Today is #InternationalNoDietDay, a day that aims to challenge cultural beliefs about weight obsession and increase awareness of the social and emotional impact of diet culture. Health isn’t just about what you eat, it’s also about what you’re thinking and saying. No diet day isn’t about going off your diet the day, it’s just as much about activism for Health At Every Size. Everyone has the right to fitness, health, and emotional well-being - regardless of size or shape and today is a beautiful place to start advocating for quality, compassion, and equitable care for people in ALL bodies.

1. Honor your hunger, preferences, and cravings (and if you’re feeling brave - try a new fear food!).
When we diet, we restrict our bodies - mentally and/or physically. Keeping your body biologically well fed with adequate nutrients will help you avoid excessive hunger and primal drives to overeat. Try approaching your hunger with curiosity, nonjudgmental awareness, and compassion. There are no wrong answers and no foods are off limits! All foods can fit into a healthy diet, and remember - your mental health is just as important as your physical health!
2. Bring awareness to your own beliefs about bodies, and reappraise your negative body talk.
The way we talk to ourselves matters. Bring awareness to the ways you choose to speak about your bodies and others’ bodies. Do you consistently say things that involve appearance? Are you constantly criticizing your body? Notice your inner critic, change your language and remove the negativity from your language. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your individuality and strengths. You have everything you need INSIDE you - regardless of what you look like or how much you weigh.

3. Reject the harmful ideals of diet culture, and join our community.
Christy Harrison defines diet culture as a system of beliefs that “promotes weight loss as a means of attaining higher status” and “demonizes certain ways of eating while elevating others.” Diet culture is just that - a system of BELIEFS. Beliefs are learned, and can be unlearned! Stay educated on what the dangers of dieting are, and remember how it can disrupt your life. Intuitive Eating or Health At Every Size are two of many weight-neutral approaches to health and wellness that you can consider adopting.
Remember, you are not alone. There is a large community of individuals actively choosing to reject diet culture alongside you. Pick some books in the picture above to read, and join our community with a simple click.